Monday 19 October 2015

31.1 community media

Social action media is a informative piece which aims to promote and create a positive changes in whether it is in a national or worldwide, the whole purpose of Social Action is about creating an impact and change also this can be targeted at the rest of the world or the community. 
Without Social Action there are some things which we would have never seen or heard of before. The reason being awareness wouldn’t have been raised by doing a video. Social Action also helps awareness on issues which may be affecting the community or the whole country. The topics which are usually dealt with in social media are racism, drug addiction, alcoholism, and politics. These productions which are done at national level will be more detailed, thoroughly planned out and have more of a budget compared to the ones which are done at the local level. While they are making the national they have to think of the marketing and distributing because the whole country is going to end up watching it. An introduction to what the problem is to try and grab the audiences’ interests to hopefully get them on side with the campaign. Social media is like the main way to find or target your target audience because nearly everyone these days uses social media. For a start you could put your video on YouTube which allows you to find your target audience more demographically.
The purpose of this is to raise awareness for people smoking around their children because the children are imitating their parents. The parents are shown trying to protect their children by hiding their smoking habits
Techniques used:
The production has got lots of two shots to show relationships between parents and   children and children acting as their parents. They have used this throughout because children want to be like their parents and they pick up on things they do and copy. The video is filmed from a child’s perspective
The impact makes smokers aware that children copy things they do and also not to smoke around your children because it will make them want to smoke to. These attempts are unsuccessful and the ad ends with a child standing in front of the mirror pretending to smoke, using a crayon as a cigarette.

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